Saturday, February 22, 2025

et tu, Brute?

 who's gonna get to tell these people how it ended for Julius Caesar?

i call rock, paper, scissors
best three outta five...

just sayin'

Making It So


Friday, February 21, 2025

a tsk tsk tsket

so NOT feeling the love for those baskets in the background
even though they are the original fabric that started this...

the backing is sewn together

the binding is cut, sewn, pressed and waiting in the binding bin

there are some bonus HSTs needing to be trimmed so they can go live with the orphan blocks

and just a little piece of the background fabric leftover

 this may be my first quilt top ever that didn't add to the Great Pile of Stuff

that'll do for now...

Thursday, February 20, 2025

butterfly kisses

this is the clearest image ever taken of the Butterfly Nebula
it's wingspan is over 3 light years

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


at 2:31 pm EDT today he posted that he's a king

what i see
the emperor has no clothes

248 years ago the people of America rose up against a king, declared independence 
and then fought a war for that independence

we, the people, neither want - nor will we accept - a king

gimme gimme gimme

 yeah ... i was skeptical 

i knew that i'd paid into it my entire working life, as had all of my employers 

and i've never understood why Republicans have always referred to Social Security as an "entitlement"  
the sneers on their faces and the condescending tone of their voices always sounds like "handout" to me

so i looked up the word

by definition, an entitlement is a government program that guarantees and provides benefits to a particular group

that is not a bad thing 

a separate tax FUNDS the Social Security program 
it does NOT add to the national debt and the federal government HAS BEEN using it for other crap
 by borrowing against it

still skeptical?
 i Duck Duck Go'ed it 
Google gave the same results

and now Elon Musk and his teenie-weinie-bopper minions have hacked the database!!!

will there be a silver wave of protest?

prolly not - till your next check bounces
 or doesn't magically show up in your bank account 
or does show up and then disappears via federal clawback ...

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

know your rights

every human in America, with or without papers, has rights that are protected by the Constitution

my Congressional Representative put together a 

know your rights webpage:

know your rights

it is available in English and in Spanish*

this bears repeating - every human being in America, with or without papers, has rights that are protected by the Constitution

this is the web address if the link doesn't work:

i know that i am not the only nonna who worries that  her grandbabies will be swept up and sent to Guantanamo because their skin doesn't pass the paint chip test or because someone over hears them speaking another language or their heads are not covered by Red Hats, even though they are US citizens 

the current regime doesn't care - they have quotas to fill

*the ACLU has links for other languages